International Pro Wrestling
Established: 2021-01-16
Chat room: #IPW_Private
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Wear your flag proudly and FIGHT for your country's hono(u)r! (18+)
Madison finally worked up the courage to request a meeting with management. He took a shot of vodka before hand to make sure he wouldn't freeze up. Wearing his street clothes, black pants, blue hoodie, and sneakers, he makes his way through the building towards the office. He has a folder with him as well, walks up to the door, and knocks on it.
Carter: You knock on the door and notice it's slightly ajar, pushing into it to find the room empty. Suddenly you hear a loud engine rumbling behind you, you turn to see me riding in on a brand-new ATV... great use of IPW's money of course. Wearing aviator sunglasses even though I'm indoors, with a tank top, shorts, and flip-flops... You had requested this meeting a week ago, but I'm only now running in, smiling at you like there's nothing wrong... "What's up Maddy?" I say with a nod...
Ahmed: Noticing Carter riding into his office on an ATV...what a douchebag. Seeing his ripped body in that tank top as he bursts his was into his own office. I hear Madison Jones' voice inside...I wonder what he's looking for. I stand outside of the office, listening in on what they're about to
Madison: I come into the office, "Thank you for meeting with me." God I haven't been this formal since collage trying to give a public paper back in my criminology class... I shake my head and take a seat. Seeing ahmed standing outside, I continue "I need to thank you again Ahmed for letting me join IPW, it's been great the last 6 weeks, and it's where my dad worked it for a bit."
Carter: Getting off my ATV and taking off my trucker cap before throwing it to a sofa at the side of the room, I flash a look at @Ahmed, with him handling most of the recruitment I don't even know who's coming in and out anymore... Not even sure who this guy's dad is... I smile and try to play things cool, walking over to Ahmed and slapping you in the back harder than necessary, "yeah Ahmed is... just sooooo good at his job... with the rookies... isn't he?"
Ahmed: Walking into the room after Carter does...staring at Madison as I walk in and watch Carter take off that trucker cap of his. "Yeah...he looked tough so I thought he'd be a good recruit." I say as I feel you SLAPPING my back hard..."Let's hope he's better than YOU are in the ring, buddy!" I say as I SLAP yor back even harder.
Madison: I start to ease up, seeing how loose though antagonistic you two are towards each other. I clear my throat, "I'm actually trying to get info on my dad, that's part of the reason why I joined..." I open the folder and pull out a photo of him.
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Madison: "He worked here about 12 years ago, I found some footage of him online." I pull out a very pixelated and poor him of a man that *might* be him if you squint your eyes. "He went by Eugene Scott."
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Carter: I open the drawer in the desk, pulling out a bottle of bourbon and pouring a glass... offer another glass to you... but ignoring Ahmed as I take a look at the picture... "really huh? you weren't coming for the fame, fortune, and women... or men if that's your thing" I flash a dirty look at Ahmed, he knows I hate actually having to do any management work... I shrug, even though I haven't seen this man's face before, "I might've seen him... he may have tangled with some of our vets... Dimitry or Min or Weston Sr... you could maybe ask one of them..." I say as I take a swig from my drink...
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Ahmed: I see Carter completely ignoring me with the bourbon...I roll my eyes at him as he hands a glass to Madison. He flashes me a dirty look when he says "men", I just raise my eyebrows at him...damn I want to kick his ass in the ring again. I take a look at Madison's photo..."Yeah I certainly haven't met him, I can definitely see the resemblance though. I know a guy in the IPW who might be able to help you out...Marcus Steele is his name...he's certainly helped out Carter and I..." I say grinning at Carter.
Madison: "I talked with Adam Collins, who told me he fought him here about 12 years ago when he was starting. Scott might have had issues with the management back then, but then left after a total of 3 years." I take and sip drink, really needing it. "Thank you. What I'm hoping you two could do is get me two things. Some old footage of his matches, something better quality than this pornhub footage..." I take another sip, "And maybe some personal information about him that could help me track him down." I look down, "He ran out on me when I was a kid."
Carter: I squint at you, trying to decide if you're telling the truth or just trying to guilt trip me... There's definitely plenty of old footage, especially if he was one of the heavy-hitters like Madison says... but the guys in sales and legal will make my life a living hell just trying to pull out one match... I look over at Ahmed, hoping to offload you so you're his problem, "suuure... we can help... we just need to uh... well... as head of recruitment... Ahmed knows how to uh... get... old videos... right Ahmed?"
Ahmed: Carter's being his normal douchebag self as he squints at me trying to make the problem go away. I know it's gonna be hard to get that old footage...but I gotta try for Madison's sake. "I'm sorry to hear that, man. We'll help you find out some stuff about your dad, won't we Carter?" I say as I SMACK you hard in the back again. "If we can get the approval of the board of directors, I'm sure they'll give us what we want. But we might need a shareholder to strong arm them a bit...maybe your buddy Brett could help out with that, Carter."
Madison: This is going better than I thought, I think to myself. "Thank you both so much, this means a lot." I put the photos away in the folder, "I'll make up for it by putting in 110% around here!" I smile.
Carter: Ahmed SMACKS me hard again, while Im in the middle of a sip, causing me to choke and spray some of the drink out... if he smacks me one more time I'm going to shove this whole bottle up his ass and use it as a battering ram... or maybe... the thought starts crossing my mind... I suddenly grin at Madison... "you know what... I think I can strongarm some of the BoD directly... and literally too... but..." I look at Ahmed, who's clearly in love with this rookie, "you'll have to do something for me..."
Ahmed: I roll my eyes at Carter again...unsurprised but still intrigued by what this new rookie could possibly even do for him. "What are you gonna ask for Carter? A foot rub? A free oil change? One of those new VR sets...fucking low-life leech." I sigh
Madison: I start wondering what Carter might want, my mind immediately thinking of sexual favors... I shake my head, "Um, yeah. That makes sense. What do you need Carter?" I bring my hand up to my hoodie, unzipping it slightly with it suddenly getting warm in here.
Carter: My smile widens... ignoring Ahmed... as if I didn't have 12 different masseuses on speed dial... at least I think they were masseuses... oh, and four VR sets of my own... "If Ahmed says you're that good... I think I'd like to see more of you" my mind wanders to the best person for this job, "in the ring... main event match" yes, perfect... a 290 lbs muscle freak I hadn't booked in a while, "hell, you win I'll help ya out..."
Ahmed: Groaning at the thought of watching my new hot recruit getting crushed and creamed by a 290lbs heel..."Damn..." I say knowing that I can't overrule Carter on this. "You can do it, Madison, just because he's big it doesn't mean he's unstoppable." I say patting you on the back.
Madison: I cringe, "290 lbs... that's nearly double my size..." I quickly finish off the drink. "I really need this info, couldn't I just... do my best? I get the impression the crowd is very pleased with me lately."
Carter: I shrug, looking at my tablet... damn... this guy's won his last few matches... and I *really* don't want to have to talk to the BoD... even if I could use the excuse to clobber a few of them... maybe... "fiiine fiiiiiine... you don't *have* to win..." I raise two fingers "but then you'll have to do two matches for me... but if you run, or get squashed... or do anything to make us look bad... deal's off"
Ahmed: My eyes bulge outta my head..."TWO matches? Back to back? You're gonna kill the kid!" I scream at Carter, but he doesn't even take his eyes off that tablet of his...I know he can already smell the ratings and the bonus he's gonna get. "You've got this, Madison. If you can get through it, I'm sure the board will give you whatever information on your father that you want. Isn't that right, Carter?" I say as I give you a huge smack on your back just as you're drinking again, grinning as I do it.
Madison: "Back to back..." I look up and smile nervously, "Whatever doesn't kill me... right?" I take a deep breath. "Maybe we can sweeten the deal Carter? What if I agreed to two different nights, but we could attach some stakes to the match, something for that cash cow 'after hours' show you run online?" I don't mind offering myself up sexually, I mostly do sex matches anyways.
Carter: I flash an angry look at Ahmed... how the hell did the rookie find out about the underground show? Mentally groaning as I couldn't even begin to imagine the shitstorm if the BoD... or legal... or anyone... really caught wind of this... I text my two choices of wrestlers from the tablet... END HIM... I send the message... playing it off... "yeah sure... that sounds... great... just uh... don't tell anyone about this, ok?" I say quietly, my hand reaching under the desk and suddenly giving Ahmed's balls a tight SQUEEZE...
Ahmed: Carter finally budges just a little bit and gives Madison what he wants...I smile put my hands up behind my head..."See? We can come to a compromise." I say smiling at Madison before I feel Carter's hand slip between my thighs...and SQUEEZEEEE my package!!! I SCREAMMMMM high pitched, clutching my nuts trying to get your hands off..."YOU CAN TRUST US...I PROMISE, BUDDY! YOU'LL LOVE THE IPW!" I say high-pitched as Carter dominates my manhood.
Madison: I smile, not sure what kinky stuff this couple is into, but not my business. "Great. I'll reach out to the guys then. Amhed, I'm guessing you get to pick the other one?" I really hope to get Amhed to pick the other one, somebody more my size...
Carter: I twist Ahmed's balls again... this rookie might just be more trouble than he is worth... "Yeah... Ahmed gets to pick the other one... but... I think your buddy Aries has been begging for a main event match too... you wouldn't leave a guy hanging would you?" I say with a smile, knowing Aries is one of the toughest heels here despite his size...
Ahmed: "What??? Aries? He's gonna fucking decimate the kid???" I scream out still clutching my nuts...then I feel you TWIST my balls harder..."AHHH...AHHHH...ON SECOND THOUGHT..." I scream higher pitched..."ARIES...WOULD BE THE PERFECT OPPONENT!" I say even seeing Madison starting to smirk a
Madison: "Actually I wouldn't' mind a rematch with Aries. We wrestled months ago when I was training, he seemed to like me." I smile cheerfully and then remember how he wasn't very rough with me while plowing my ass.
Carter: I let go of Ahmed before pushing him in the shoulder so he falls down, "its settled then... you're booked for your next two matches" I give a fake smile and slap you in the back, "good luck kid." before I suddenly pull you close and whisper in your ear, "you're gonna need it" I grunt...
Ahmed: I get shoved down to the grimey office floor by Carter...still cupping my busted balls. I see Carter whispering a threat to the kid...I roll over onto my back and weakly say..."You can do it, Madison. Make me proud out there."
Madison: I start to get, "Thanks guys, this means a lot to me. I'm tougher than I look, so I think I can manage." A mental image of 'The Ares' comes to mind, "But it will be a challenge for sure." I then start heading towards the door.
Carter: I smile, leaving Ahmed on the floor of the office as I mount my ATV again, "yeah... it'll be a challenge" I smirk... the engine revs and the vehicle lurches forward... one tire running over Ahmed's stomach as the ATV roars and leaves the office...
Ahmed: Still cupping my busted balls on the mat...hearing Carter's engine rev..."DON'T YOU DARE!" I scream out before he DRIVVESS over my stomach and rides out of the office. Leaving me screaming so loud that Madison can hear it through the walls.
Published: 2021-08-08, viewed 83 times.