No, only the person creating the story can edit it.
But if you got added to a story, you can make the story at any moment 'private' again.
Then you can contact the creator of the story and ask him to edit it. After that, you can approve and make it public again - if you wish.
As an added character you share the full control over the visibility of the story, but you can't change it on your own.
ClimberStud (deleted member)
2020-06-28 00:38
If one character creates the story after a match, can the other character do any edits? Or is the story creator the only person who can?
The Tech
2020-06-28 12:13Hello,
No, only the person creating the story can edit it.
But if you got added to a story, you can make the story at any moment 'private' again.
Then you can contact the creator of the story and ask him to edit it. After that, you can approve and make it public again - if you wish.
As an added character you share the full control over the visibility of the story, but you can't change it on your own.
ClimberStud (deleted member)
2020-06-28 00:38If one character creates the story after a match, can the other character do any edits? Or is the story creator the only person who can?